Thursday, April 18, 2013


Having created this blog in February, I’ve had the opportunity to get to know many tenants.  It seems that various individuals on Caldecott Lane have independently attempted to create change. 

One tenant has been addressing the issue of multiple abandoned vehicles which line our street, when parking is an issue for registered, operable cars.

Interestingly, after having reported the white “BP” van yesterday, the van has been moved back to 130 Caldecott Lane and the orange sticker has been removed.  But, moving vans from one place to another (like garbage containers) doesn't solve the problem.  For those tenants who are working with the Oakland Police Department to address the issue of abandoned vehicles, the license plate of the BP van is: California 6W30400.

Another tenant is assuming the title, “Cat Lady of Caldecott Lane,” and is on a mission to
spay or neuter each feral cat, provide outside shelter, and feed them.  Her heart goes out to these cats who may have been abandoned house cats at one time.  (Please note that while the phrase “cat lady” is a pejorative term, this “cat lady” wears the title with pride and is, notably, young!)

If you are interested in donating to her efforts, a check can be written out to “Fix our Ferals,” a non-profit organization in Richmond, California.  Contact us at to ascertain the name and address of our local Cat Lady.  Fix our Ferals, in turn, is endorsed by Animal Control in Oakland.

While there have been some concerns expressed by neighbors about the feral cats scavenging the garbage, no animals – cats, raccoons  or skunks – would be able to scavenge the garbage left outside and on top of the containers if tenants were actually provided with an adequate number of garbage containers!

Waste Management has determined that each of the following buildings – 120, 130, 142, and 150 Caldecott Lane – should be supplied three (3) 96-gallon garbage containers.   However, because each building is provided 1.5 garbage containers, tenants are forced to leave their garbage bags outside the few containers that we have, affording feral cats and wild animals the opportunity to scavenge.  This is an easy problem to solve!

And after

Now tenants are coming together to clean our neighborhood of construction debris, old sofas, scaffolding, and to remove landscape cuttings which clog storm drains, all in an attempt to make our neighborhood cleaner, greener, and to restore our surrounding land to its natural beauty.

Working together we can create positive change.  

You are not alone.

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