As I was walking down Caldecott Lane with some rakes and a pitchfork, tools that I and the volunteers used to remove the illegally dumped landscape cuttings and construction debris from public property, three women stopped and asked me,
"Are you one of the people who was out there yesterday cleaning up the blight?"
"Thank you for cleaning up our neighborhood!"
These women were walking their dogs and live at Parkwoods Condominiums.
I was surprised that anyone, besides the tenants who live at 120 to 158 Caldecott Lane, had noticed our efforts. But, they had.
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One of the landscape cuttings clogging a storm drain discovered behind 142 Caldecott Lane. |
Where I come from,we don't dispose of our construction debris on public property. We don't cut our grass, or trees, or ornamental plants, and then place these cuttings on public property in creeks, natural waterways, and storm drains.
But, that is where I come from. But, then, if people other than me have noticed our
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An illegally dumped sofa found behind the public utility at 130 Caldecott Lane. |
"Oakland Public Works Agency hauls away tons of trash from the public right-of-way every year, from construction debris to household trash. This trash would otherwise end up in our neighborhoods, creeks and waterways. Property values decline where illegal dumping is rampant.
Community and governmental agencies need to work in partnership to stop the enormous problem of illegal dumping.
Here is how you can help:
See It - Write down the dumper’s description: include gender, ethnicity, age, hair color, clothing, etc. Write down the vehicle description: include license plate number, color, make, model & approximate year, if known.
Report It - Call the Public Works Call Center at (510) 615-5566. Dumping in progress should be called in to Oakland Police Department non-emergency line (510)777-3333.
OPD also provides an on-line report process at for illegal dumping that is witnessed by a citizen, but is no longer in progress.
Stop It - Get involved! With your help, we can reduce illegal dumping in our communities. Use this list of tips to help prevent illegal dumping."
To learn about California state law and state programs concerning illegal dumping, click here.
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