Tuesday, April 30, 2013



THANK YOU for your hard work and cheery dedication to the task of cleaning up our storm drains and public land behind Caldecott Lane.

Green Waste Container to be used for Food Scraps and Yard Waste
To those who are interested in continuing the clean-up of vegetation, we have contacted our City Council members, Dan Kalb (District 1) and our Council Member at-Large, Rebecca Kaplan.  To have access to a debris bin, either Kalb or Kaplan will need to donate the cost of a debris bin and pick-up after clean-up.  Pending their response, there is a solution for smaller, regular clean-ups:

Each building from 120 to 158 Caldecott Lane has received One (1) GREEN CART for recycling.  Green carts are meant to hold food scraps and YARD TRIMMINGS:

Yard trimmings including:
·         Leaves
·         Flowers
·         Grass & weeds
·         Houseplants
·         Trimmings
·         Branches less than 4' long and 6" in diameter or across
·         Unpainted, untreated wood less than 4' long and 6" in diameter or across

Your green yard trimmings cart holds 64 gallons of material.

Feel free to fill it to the top, but don't let it overflow! Make sure the lid closes.
Volunteers Use Yard Bags to Clean up Landscape Cuttings Clogging Public Storm Drains
In addition, we have about 50 to 75 yard bags remaining from the Earth Day Clean-Up.

You may set out extra yard trimmings, at no extra charge, by:

·    Placing material in a brown paper bag next to your yard trimmings cart. 30-gallon brown paper bags are inexpensive, convenient and available from many local hardware stores.
Improper Use of Green Waste Container
Please contact tenantsofcaldecottlane@gmail.com to secure yard-bags left-over from the Earth Day clean-up to keep our momentum going!

For more information about GREEN WASTE, click here.

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