Wednesday, April 10, 2013


Immediately behind 150 Caldecott Lane is a natural waterway that travels down from Tunnel Road.  This waterway flows into a private property drain.

The drain is located just behind the retaining wall.

If one looks further up the hill, there are more sand bags…

And chicken wire fence.

Why are there so many sand bags behind the buildings on Caldecott Lane?

It appears that the answer is: “to block water flow.”

It also appears that there are natural creeks flowing from the hills above us and down from Tunnel Road.

What is particularly disconcerting is that some tenants have reported flooding in both 150 and 142 Caldecott Lane.  

While I have not substantiated these reports, I have received separate and independent reports about flooding to be concerned. . . To substantiate flooding, dated photographs are necessary showing the condition.  These conditions should first be reported to building management. If the conditions are not abated by the property owner, then the City of Oakland Building Inspection Department should be notified.

While reports about an inadequate number of garbage containers and debris on the property can be made anonymously, a report to a city official about your unit is not anonymous.

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