Sunday, February 17, 2013


Did you know that Poison Oak may grow just outside your building on Caldecott Lane?

Hanging Poison Oak Vines
Over 80% of the U.S. population is sensitive to the oil emitted from Poison Oak.  Depending upon the sensitivity of the individual, the allergic reaction can be mild to severe causing swelling, rash, incessant itching, and sleepless nights.

If you think that you have been exposed to this noxious weed, immediately wash:

·         Yourself,
·         Your clothes,
·         Your shoes, 

Your backpack and anything that may have picked up the plant oil.

Use a wash like “Technu” or Fels Naphtha soap.

Wash clothes in hot water with a strong detergent.

Take an antihistamine like Allegra or Claritin to quell the allergic reaction.

It can take up to 72-hours for a rash to appear.

If your reaction is severe, you may need to receive a prescription for prednisone and cortisone creams to “dampen” the itch.

OAKLAND MUNICIPAL CODE, TITLE 8, 8.18.060 - Noxious weeds.
Every person who shall permit to mature on any land owned, possessed, managed or controlled by him or her, or who shall knowingly sow, or disseminate or cause or permit to be sown or disseminated, or shall sell or in any manner dispose of or cause to permit to be sold or disposed of, or shall transport or convey or cause to permit to be transported or conveyed into the city, any seed of the Scotch or Canada Thistle, the Russian Thistle, the Mexican Cocklebur, or any noxious weed, whether such sowing, selling, transporting or conveying be alone or in hay, grass, grain or in any manner whatsoever, is guilty of an infraction.

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