Thursday, February 21, 2013


Many tenants on Caldecott Lane have pets.  As pet owners, we have more limited rental options than other tenants.  But we sacrifice for our pets – they are members of our family.

As pet owners – for at least some of us – our love of animals extends to feral cats.  And, there are small colonies of feral cats living on Caldecott Lane.

Animal Control endorses the Trap-Neuter-Release program (TNR) and recommends “Fix our Ferals,” a non-profit organization in Richmond that will neuter or spay feral cats for a nominal charge.  Moreover, the cat will be given a rabies and feline leukemia vaccination, a dose of Revolution for fleas and worms, and can be micro-chipped.

A cat that has been "fixed" will also have one ear "notched" to alert feral cat caretakers and veterinarians that the cat has already "participated" in a TNR program.

An excerpt from Oakland Animal Services (e.g. Animal Control) follows:

Oakland Animal Services supports trap, neuter, return as a means of controlling the feral cat population...For information...please contact the Fix our Feral’s hotline at 510.433.9446.”
To learn more about feral cats, see:  
National Organization Promoting the TNR program: Alley Cat Allies
Hillary Clinton once said, “It takes a Village” to create change.  We may not be a “village” but we are a community of tenants with Caldecott Lane in common.  Working together, we can endorse and implement the TNR program and – for the love of all animals – extend our community to these cats that may have been born a feral or have become feral through abandonment, eviction, or foreclosure.
If you are interested in implementing the TNR program on Caldecott Lane, please email:

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