Friday, September 27, 2013

Seeing the Forest for the Trees?

It was a bit disheartening to see a tree limb fall into the public storm drain and creek that we tenants had just cleaned up.

We suspect that it was the rain that caused the tree to fall. . .

But, after a call to Public Works today, we were informed that a tree down is considered an emergency.  During Monday through Friday from 8:30 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., you call can Public Works to report "TREE DOWN!" but after hours and on weekends, call the local Fire Station for assistance.

Call Public Works at: (510) 665-5566.  The pine tree above has been reported and the Service Number is: 483072.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013


The City of Oakland Public Works Agency thanks all the volunteers for helped make Oakland's 18th annual Creek to Bay Day a success! Creek to Bay Day is part of California and International Coastal Cleanup Day, which engages thousands of volunteers in trash removal and beautification of waterways and shorelines across California, the nation, and in about 100 participating countries. Volunteers in Oakland joined these efforts by acting locally to clean trash from and beautify Lake Merritt, the Oakland Estuary and 33 creek locations on Saturday, September 21.
More than 1,000 volunteers removed trash and invasive weeds, and planted and restored wild habitat along Oakland's creeks and bay shoreline. Volunteers in kayaks participated for the first time this year removing trash from San Francisco Bay, preventing this trash from going out to sea. While results are still coming in, volunteers in Oakland collected over 15,000 pounds of trash and 150 cubic yards of compostable green waste. Creek to Bay Day is held in conjunction with International Coastal Cleanup Day and is sponsored by the California Coastal Commission. By current count, the statewide event turned out 51,543 volunteers who removed 471,218 pounds of trash and 30,530 pounds of recyclables!
Unusual early-season rains did not damper the spirit of the volunteers in Oakland, many of whom had prepared to get their feet wet. The rains were an auspicious sign and a helpful boost of water to newly-planted native species. The rains also helped highlight the importance of clean watersheds and waterways: as stormwater collects in street drains, it flows into the creeks and/or directly into the Bay, carrying trash and debris in its path. Keeping trash out of our streets and creeks keep our waterways flowing and clean, preventing flooding, pollution, and trash from harming wildlife, blighting our beaches, and impairing our access to clean and safe water. 
Many deserve special recognition for helping to make Creek to Bay Day 2013 our most successful to date. Creek to Bay Day would not be possible without the dedication of community site coordinators and supporting organization who helped coordinate projects at 36 locations, the highest number of Creek to Bay Day sites in the history of the event. The support from Alameda County Flood Control and Water Conservation District, the East Bay Regional Park District, the Port of Oakland, and Waste Management year after year is also integral to the success of the event. 
Oakland hosts opportunities throughout the year for citizens and community groups to care for our creeks and waterways. Visit our Adopt a Spot website at, email, or call (510) 238-7630 for more information on how you can help! You can also stay connected and up to date by following the Sustainable Oakland Facebook page

Saturday, September 21, 2013

Transforming Our Creeks

Thanks be to 

Sara, Matt, Amber, Nathan, Mac, Nicole, and Rocky 

for their hard work and dedication in transforming the clogged up creek behind 142 Caldecott Lane to a place where water can now flow freely, unencumbered by tree trimmings, landscape cuttings, and soggy mattresses.

We will begin work on Sunday morning (9/22) to move 30 yard bags behind 130 Caldecott Lane to the median strip across the street and to move more illegally dumped material from behind 142 Caldecott Lane curb-side.

City of Oakland Public Works will pick up the green and other waste as part of our participation in the City of Oakland's Adopt-a-Spot program.

Who knew that the public land behind 142 Caldecott Lane is so breathtakingly beautiful? 

Thursday, September 19, 2013


and FREE water, too!

Work up a sweat and join us while we clear the creeks behind 142 Caldecott Lane of tree trimmings, landscape cuttings, and yard waste.

It's great exercise ... 

It's hard work...

It's a team effort of fellow residents on Caldecott Lane joining together to create positive change in our environment.

YOU will be part of a national clean-up team organized to clear our creeks of litter and waste, coast to coast.

See other sites across Oakland who will also be participating in CREEK-TO-BAY Day.

And, check out the FACEBOOK Page!  Each volunteer walks-away with a goodie bag to thank you for your help!



Monday, September 16, 2013

Saturday, September 21, 2013 – CREEK TO BAY DAY

Please join us on Saturday, September 21, 2013 – CREEK TO BAY DAY – to help clean up:

·       Creeks behind 142 Caldecott Lane
·       from Landscape Cuttings, Litter, and Tree Trimmings

Adopt-a-Spot has provided us with tools, gloves, garbage and recycling bags, pitchforks, and a dumpster for the debris which the City will haul away.

The dumpster will be located on the median strip across from 142 Caldecott Lane.  It will be delivered on Friday, September 20, 2013 and picked up on Monday, September 23, 2013.

Brown bags will be used to collect vegetation. Please don’t fill these bags to the top -- the bags will be too heavy to lift.  Sort out rocks, litter, and dirt and leave these items behind. 

Clear bags will be used for garbage only.

We will separately collect recyclables and provide them to a recycling center.

CLEAN-UP BEGINS AT 9:00 A.M. on Saturday, September 21, 2013.

Location:  Behind 142 Caldecott Lane

Sign-up Sheets:  You will need to sign the Adopt-a-Spot sign-up sheet and read the waiver before volunteering. Parents will need to read and sign a waiver pertaining to children.

We will furnish: Water, Gatorade, Snacks.  Tools.  Hand-Wipes.

What to Wear:  OLD clothes and layers.  Bring Technu for poison oak.

If you are allergic to Poison Oak, remember “Leaves of Three, Let Them Be.”

First Aid Kits will be available.