Please join us on Saturday,
September 21, 2013 – CREEK TO BAY DAY – to help clean up:
· Creeks behind 142 Caldecott Lane
· from Landscape Cuttings, Litter, and Tree Trimmings
Adopt-a-Spot has provided us with tools, gloves,
garbage and recycling bags, pitchforks, and a dumpster for the debris which the
City will haul away.
The dumpster will be located on the median
strip across from 142 Caldecott Lane. It
will be delivered on Friday, September 20, 2013 and picked up on Monday, September
23, 2013.
Brown bags will be used to collect vegetation.
Please don’t fill these bags to the top -- the bags will be too heavy to lift. Sort out rocks, litter, and dirt and leave
these items behind.
Clear bags will be used for garbage only.
We will separately collect recyclables and
provide them to a recycling center.
Saturday, September 21, 2013.
Location: Behind 142 Caldecott Lane
Sign-up Sheets: You will need to sign the Adopt-a-Spot sign-up sheet and read
the waiver before volunteering. Parents will need to read and sign a waiver
pertaining to children.
We will furnish: Water, Gatorade, Snacks. Tools.
What to Wear: OLD clothes and layers. Bring Technu for poison oak.
If you are allergic to Poison Oak,
remember “Leaves of Three, Let Them Be.”
First Aid Kits will be available.